
This qualification applies to individuals with a sound theoretical knowledge base in marketing and communication and who demonstrate a range of managerial skills to ensure that functions are effectively conducted in an organisation or business area. Typically they would have responsibility for the work of other staff and lead teams.

Entry Requirements

  • Minimum 18 years of age at the time of commencement.

  • Successful completion of BSB40820 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication Qualification or Higher

  • Minimum IELTS score of  6.0 or equivalent.

Computer Requirements

You will need to ensure they can connect to the internet and have the capability to use our online learning system that meets the minimum technical requirements, which are:

  • Access to a laptop/computer is preferred.

  • An operating system supporting the following browsers (current version and up to three most recent versions): Chrome, Firefox, Safari (excluding Safari on Windows), and Microsoft Edge.

  • For Windows: Windows 10, 4 Gb RAM installed (minimum).

  • For MAC: Mac OS X 10.13 or above.

  • Access to Word processing software, such as Microsoft Word.

  • Reliable internet connection.

  • Should have basic computer and MS Office skills (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)

Career Insights

Possible job titles include:

  • Marketing manager.
  • Marketing team leader.
  • Product manager.


Training is based on face-to-face classroom delivery including interactive classroom teaching, and tutorials. Classes will be scheduled for a minimum of 20 contact hours per week.


Written activities assessment/ knowledge questions, assignment.

Course Credit

Course Credit is the value assigned for the recognition of equivalence in content and learning outcomes between different types of learning and/or qualifications. Course Credit reduces the amount of learning required to achieve a qualification and may be through Credit Transfer (CT) and/or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Students may apply for RPL or Credit transfers for any unit in which they can successfully demonstrate competency.

Course Structure

Core Units
BSBMKG555- Write persuasive copy
BSBPMG430- Undertake Project Work
BSBMKG552- Design and develop marketing communication plans
BSBMKG542 – Establish and monitor the marketing mix
BSBMKG541 – Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
Elective Units
BSBMKG543-  Plan and Interpret market research
BSBMKG545- Conduct Marketing Audits
BSBCMM511 – Communicate with influence
BSBOPS504 – Manage business risk
BSBOPS505 – Manage organisational customer service
BSBPEF501 – Manage personal and professional development
BSBMKG544 – Plan and monitor direct marketing activities

Course requires the completion of the following 12 Units (including 5 Core and 7 Electives)

Fees and Intake Dates

For fees and intake dates, please consult with our team for detailed information.

CRICOS: 111071F
Campus: Sydney, Gold Coast
Duration: 52 weeks
Student: International

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